Daily Archives: August 1, 2012

From “The Word For You Today” by Bruce Christian


Sometimes the only way to get over your hurt feelings is to seek reconciliation.  And if you are willing, God will help you do it.  George Elliot wrote: “Oh, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.”  A college teacher who was teaching on the high cost of unforgiveness asked each of her students to bring a sack of potatoes to class.  For each person they refused to forgive, they had to select a potato and write the date on it beside that person’s name.  Then for a month, without fail, they had to carry that sack of potatoes with them wherever they went.  After lugging those sacks around for a while each student began to recognize how much weight they were carrying; the amount of energy it took to focus on their bag; and that they had to be careful not to leave it in the wrong place.  Eventually, as the potatoes began to rot and stink, they realized that getting rid of them was the only smart thing to do.  Jesus said, “If you forgive someone’s sins, they’re gone for good.  If you don’t…what are you going to do with them?” (Jn 20:23 TM).  Good question!  How would you like God to forgive you in the same way you forgive others?  If that thought makes you uncomfortable, do something about it!

From “The Word For You Today” by Bruce Christian


Dr. Howard Hendricks, a church growth expert, was once asked to diagnose the declining membership in a certain church.  After attending service for several weeks he met with the border of elders and said, “Put a fence around it and charge admission, so people can come and see how church was done in the 1950’s.”  In other words, you’re hopelessly behind!  When our ego is on the line, we have a tendency to put a positive spin on things while ignoring all evidence to the contrary.  The danger is, over time we lose sight of what’s actually happening around us.  Good leaders refuse to do that; their relentless in their quest to know the score.  They root our misinformation and refuse to reward those who deliver it.  In so doing they create a culture that’s transparent concerning what is and what isn’t taking place.  To ensure that they live this way, they live by these 7 commandments: (1)  Thou shalt not pretend.  (2)  Thou shalt not turn a blind eye.  (3)  Thou shalt not exaggerate.  (4)  Thou shalt not shoot the bearer of bad news.  (5)  Thou shalt not hide behind the numbers.  (6)  Thou shalt not ignore constructive criticism.  (7)  Thou shalt not isolate thyself.  Attempting to make progress while turning a blind eye to reality is like treading water;  it can only go on for so long.  Eventually you drown.  Whether it’s in your church, your business or your personal life, be willing to face the truth regardless of how painful it is.  And if you don’t like what you see–start changing it!

My Prayer to the Father, August 1, 2012

Heavenly Father,
I come to You, Father, with a grateful heart,
A heart filled with Love and devotion,
A heart that adores You, and longs to give You
The worship and praise that You are so deserving of.
A token, a mere trifle
In comparison to the glorious blessings
You’ve bestowed upon me
And all of Your people.

You, Heavenly Father
Who have given us such wonderful, indescribable gifts,
Who have given us all;
All in the sense that we can’t even imagine or understand
What All this little three letter word can contain.
You, who, in your Love and mercy,
Have given us riches we yet to know,
And have given us the key to eternity.

Heavenly Father,
Who is above You that I should give him heed?
Who is beyond You that I should seek?
Who has given so much,
Made such an unimaginable sacrifice?
Only You, Father?
Yes, Father, only You…
Yet, You, the Glorious Incomparable You,
In Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You, who have in every way
Have provided us all that we could ever need
All that we could ever want.

Heavenly Father,
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
How little these two words can express what I feel,
How little all my words, all my words,
Convey all that I feel and think about You,
And yet they are all I have
And I know Father, how far they fall short
In their expression of what I feel,
And what I wish to give You,
And what You so richly deserve.
How can anything I speak be pleasing to You?
How can my words in any sense
Make a whit of difference to You?
No, Father, it’s not my words I know that
You so long to hear
For they are as a tinkling symbol
And sounding brass.

Heavenly Father,
I know what You desire for You have told me
For You have shown me time and time again,
And it’s all that You require;
That I should Love You with all my
And Strength.
Yes, Father, I know what You desire,
And I know equally well
Heavenly Father
That by myself, and in and of myself
I’m incapable of giving You this.
And, I know Father,
That left to my own devices, to my own
To all that I have in the way of
Heart and mind
That it would not draw me an inch closer
To You.

Heavenly Father,
That is why I come before You now
On bended knees, with arms outstretched
And tears flooding my eyes.
My heart overflowing with all I know of Love
And adoration, and reverence.
Because I know, Father, that You, only You,
In all that You are
From the very beginning, from the depth of nothing
Had me in Your thoughts,
In Your plans,
In Your heart.
And, that is why You, in and of Yourself
Provided that which I could never provide
A way, a bridge,
To carry me from the depth of my darkness
Into Your glorious and eternal light
In the form and person of
Your precious Son
My beloved Love and Savior
Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father,
It is He who is my All.
He, who represents Everything.
This world in all that it is,
Can in no wise
Even should it have no spot upon it
In the way of greed,
And self-glorification
ever come close to showing
Who, He is in all His perfection,
In all His glory.

Heavenly Father,
It is because of my Jesus
That I have hope, that I have certainty of
A brighter tomorrow,
That I have hope that this darkness
That threatens will not overshadow me.
It is His presence in me
That sustains, that encourages,
That gives me strength,
That indeed gives me all that I need
And could ever want
In the way of
Love, and Mercy,
Justice and compassion,
In and all things that I might have need of
Can be found in He
Who wore the crown of thorns for me.

Heavenly Father,
I come to You with a plea upon my lips,
I ask Father, that You shower
The family I’ve been given with all that You are.
The family that has grown in the realm of
Your love and Grace
To include all that I’ve come to know,
To each and every person I’ve encountered,
To all who have blessed me with Your presence.
To all who have shown me in countless ways
And expressions what it is,
And what joy inexpressible it is
To receive that which is most dear
A pure, and tender Love
That knows not of self,
But much of You.

Heavenly Father,
I pray that You give them all grace,
That You strengthen their hearts and minds,
That You renew their courage
And reenergize their faith,
That You make them bold and relentless
In their quest for truth,
And that You may give them a lion’s voice
To shatter the complacency of those around them
Who in their search for self
Will lose all.

Heavenly Father,
I pray You place Your healing hand
Upon the sick, the ill, the chronic suffer of pain,
Those who have tasted eternal torment,
And who are weak in body, but mighty in love.
I pray You strengthen them
As only You can,
That You show through all who Love You
What can be done, what can be accomplished
Through those who will
Lay it all aside and give it all to You,
All in the way of pain,
Of loss,
Of heartache,
Of longing for anything other than You,
And what can be had
In the way of Life, and Love, and Spirit
When all is surrendered to You.

In Jesus name, I pray,